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Thursday, December 07, 2006

An Update...

Kine and Cathrine

It’s been a while since I updated this site and I’m sure there are some good reasons, but I can’t think of any just yet.

I haven’t been home much though, lot of school and friends and just out. I also work, but only a day a week. I’ve completed one exam and one paper, two exams to go…

And the weather up here is just c***(no foul language on my site, just insinuations), so I’ve not been in a blogging mood. It went from being beautiful with lots of snow, to deadly ice and now it's bare. Kinda sad that it's December already.

So what’s been going on? Hmm, lots really, but my memory keeps on failing me in my old age.

Most Wednesdays a couple of friends and I make dinner together, always a pleasure, lots of fun and just hanging around.

Marita and I have totally messed up our daily rhythm with several nights/mornings of movie marathons and some very late kitchen debacles. One night after we went to the movies with Christoffer we decided that we weren’t tired(this being at midnight) so we went to her house and then to my place and made pizza, from scratch, it was done around 3 am and then we watched The Incredibles.

Me and Cathrine

And I think that’s were it all started. She went home around 5:30 am and I slept for a maybe two hours before I went into the city to help out with the kids program in our congregation.

I think that’s five weeks ago and I still haven’t gotten myself together. She also told me a really gross story involving store bought bread and a mouse and since then I haven’t been able to eat bread, and everyone knows that a Norwegian without real(emphasize on REAL here people) bread doesn’t work. Ergo, I don’t work.

Kine, Marita and me at Aunegården.

I honestly don’t know where to go on from there, my dad and youngest brother came up north for two days. Sebastian and I went and saw Borat, you really have to be prepared to take everything he says and does in that movie to be a joke. Or else you’re just gonna be angry and offended. And if you take the stuff he says seriously and don’t become offended, there’s something wrong with you and I don’t want you reading my blog.

Every Friday we(Marita, Kine, Cathrine, Renate and I) meet and drink coffee in some café, it’s a great tradition.

Marita also convinced me to watch Saw and Saw 2, they’re kind of the movies I prefer to avoid, but hey, why not? We watched them at her house at night(not that it matters, cuz it’s always dark here) so I did not walk home. No way Josè! She kindly offered me a mattress.

The next day we made peppercakes, I know it’s called gingerbread, but we were tired and it sounded really funny at the time so it stuck with us. We also made, instead of a gingerbread house, a gingerbread tree like the one in New York. It’s Marita’s tradition, at home we usually just make the house, but she has made a fortress and a manger. So I came up with the idea of the World Trade Towers, but we settled on the tree. And we didn’t have a plan or anything, so it was all improvised, as everything has been over the last weeks.

Me and Cathrine at Driv all lipglossy

What else? Hmm. Well, our month of staying away from candy or anything even closely related to sugar was over on December 1, so we had ourselves a little party that lasted until the wee hours, not exactly unexpected I guess. We ate so much candy I think I’m actually up for another month off.

My mom made a Christmas calendar for me that my dad brought with him when they visited, so I get little gifts everyday. I love gifts!

I had my philosophy exam three days before the rest of my friends did, I’m always nervous before exams and when they’re orally I’m even more anxious. So I’m really glad Marita didn’t tell me about her dream until after I had taken it. She dreamed that the same morning as my exam she checked this very blog and it said that I was dead. Kinda ominous, just a little freaky...

Me, Cathrine and Marita

Oh, and the day after we handed in our ethics/philosophy paper we went out. First we went to Kine’s apartment and chilled, listened to music and talked, I love small vorspiels, they’re always the best. After a very chatty cab driver let us off in the city we went to Driv, which is were most of the students party in Tromsø City. It was actually quite fun, awful music but good times. The more my friends drank, the more fun for me.

The pictures got kind of scrambled, no particular order, more pictures from the gingerbread baking next time.

Well I guess that’s all for now, I’ve been pretty talkative, kinda unusual for me, I blame the lack of sleep. Anywho, have a great day ya’ll!

Oh, and I don't know why I wrote this in English..

My "little" brother Sebastian


Blogger osovega said...

det är väl ingen större idé att byta sömnmönster nu, den kommer ju ändå snart vara rätt ;) och var kanske därför du skrev på engelska..

1:03 PM  
Blogger Gudrun said...

Ja long time no see! Men forhåpentligvis ses vi snart eller? Kommer du ned for å studere teologi? Det ska eg. Hadde vært kjempekjekt hvis du og sko det. Hørte forresten at du ska bo med Sonja :) Da ska eg komme masse på besøk :)

4:15 PM  
Blogger irene said...

SAVNER DEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Takk for oppdatering! Den har vi venta på:)
Nå er Sonjaen vår nærmere deg enn oss.. Urettferdig! Behandle henne godt. Jeg vil ha henne tilbake hel!

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheey, we're all norwegies here!

uansett..fortsatt å skriv du, arti å sjå ka dåkker styra me i tromsø!=D(håpa forresten du blir væranes der ei stund tel ja!)

Ja dettan va altså skrevven av ho mari..som ikkje gidda å logg inn

4:29 AM  
Blogger Gudrun said...

Har du fått noe svar på om du har komt inn på skolen???

5:16 PM  
Blogger Gudrun said...

Ja eg bare ringte te Southern Cross College og spurte om eg va komt inn. Når søkte du? for hvis du søkte før de bytta forma så trenge du isje søke med de nye. I tilfelle hadde du fått en mail om d. Se om du kan finne nr t Southern Cross college på nettet og ring. hvis isje kan d ta evigheter!

9:10 PM  
Blogger osovega said...

är du glad, nu när ni vann guld?
jag såg nästan en match....

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hei tøsa! :)
...netter'n e ikke d samme utn dæ.. ..og d va ikke meint på en pølsat måte..

fauske e fæstli, men folk lægg sæ førr tili!



11:57 PM  
Blogger osovega said...

tror att det kommer sexa, men är inte alls säker. i alla fall så var det väldigt bra.

vad hände i kyrkan då?

7:16 PM  

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